Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's time again ....

...for another sneak peek of the upcoming new release of Dustin Pike's digital images on Thur.
The man is hard at work trying to keep the designing Doodle Dragon Dream Team busy ;0)
The images were a lot of fun again and it is hard to choose just just a few. I would love to do ALL but then who will do my laundry, feed the kids, or walk the dogs ? Hmmmm any volunteer's???

So here is a sneak peek and please also go and check out my very talented team mates blogs...their names and links can be found right here on the left hand side bar.
Bugs & Kisses


  1. I love all the different "textures", Rikki!

  2. this might be the cutest bug I've ever seen! Thanks for visiting my blog! I'm officially a follower of your :)


ART Impressions Challenge